Status: IUCN Critically Endangered / CITES Appendix I
Population: 600-800 individuals, rapidly decreasing.
Threats: This species has a restricted range. Approximately 40% of its habitat has been converted to agricultural use by the 1990s; regeneration of ground cover has been seriously impaired by grazing domestic animals. Some macaws are persecuted as pests for crop raiding. Illegal trapping still occurs.
Range: Restricted to a small area on the east Andean slope of C and S Bolivia.
Natural history: Is found mainly in valleys. Is seen in xerophilous thorny scrub with cacti, scattered trees and shrubs, and steep-sided, undisturbed riverside cliffs for nesting and roosting. Feeds on seeds and fruits but this is often scarce; crop plants such as maize and groundnuts are also taken. Breeding is October-March; nests are in a loose colony in cliff tunnels and occasionally palm tree cavities.