Status: IUCN Vulnerable / CITES Appendix l
Population: 7934-9445 individuals, slowly decreasing.
Threats: This parakeet has a restricted range. It has declined since the 1880s due to forest loss and the wildlife trade, along with possible predation from feral mammals and disease introduction.
Range: New Caledonia, Melanesia
Natural history: The Horned Parakeet is found mainly above 450 m (1476 ft) in humid indigenous forests, secondary growth and savanna woodland. They also occur in mixed Araucaria forest, feeding on flowers, nuts, fruits, berries, seeds of trees and shrubs, and ripe pawpaw. They are wary, unapproachable and generally seen in pairs and small groups of up to 10 birds. Birds roost in the treetops or tree hollows, becoming active an hour before sunrise.