Status: IUCN Endangered / CITES Appendix II
Population: About 6000, decreasing rapidly.
Threats: Is a restricted-range species. Affected by introduced predators. Other species and farming practices may be depleting food sources. Lead in the environment is harming birds.
Range: Occurs in mountainous areas of South Island, New Zealand, from Fiordland north to Nelson and Marlborough Provinces.
Natural history: This species is confined to forests in steep side valleys from 600-3000 m (1968-9840 ft); also seen around human settlements. It feeds on flowering mountain flax, rata, snow totara berries, fruits and leaves; also scavenges on carcasses. Active in early morning and late afternoon; playful and inquisitive, foraging around campsites and sometimes damaging cars and equipment. Breeding is July-January. Its nest is in a rock crevice or a hollow log.