Status: Â IUCN Endangered / CITES Appendix I
Population: As few as 560,000, rapidly decreasing.
Threats: Grey Parrots are now threatened throughout much of their natural range: extensive deforestation, particularly in W Africa, and heavy trapping for the wild bird trade have caused population collapses in some countries.
Range: Grey Parrots are found in S Nigeria, S Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, DRC, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, SE Ivory Coast, N Angola, S Democratic Republic of Congo, NW Tanzania, W Kenya, W Uganda, Principe and Bioko Islands.
Natural history: Seen in primary and secondary rainforest, clearings, mangroves, wooded savanna, cultivated land and gardens to an altitude of 2200 m (7216 ft). Diet includes fruits and seeds, particularly oil palm fruit. Flocks roost in palms over water or on islands in rivers. Breeding is January-February and June-July, E Africa; in other areas the dry season. Nest is a cavity in a tall living tree.