Red-and-blue Lories: Wild Nest Support

2023 – current
Closeup of Red-and-blue Lory
© World Parrot Trust

Pusat Informasi Sampiri (PIS)

View Species Profile

Due to the continuing loss of important nest sites from deforestation, Red-and-blue Lories (Eos histrio) are unable to find places to nest. The WPT will support in-country partners to install artificial nest boxes on Karakeland Island, which will help increase breeding success and allow for monitoring nests, with attached camera traps, for signs of predation. Natural nests will be surveyed, with cameras providing some deterrence to poachers. Little is known about the species’ breeding cycle, with insights into interference by predators such as rats and reptiles largely unknown. After supporting these nests breeding success will be assessed.

IUCN/CITES Status: Endangered / Appendix I

Population: 5500–14,000 mature individuals; nominate of species possibly extinct on Sangihe Is. Decreasing.

Threats: This species has a restricted range. Habitat loss and illegal overexploitation for trade have caused serious declines. Insecticide use and disease transmission via escaped cage birds to wild populations are potential hazards.

Range: Native to Sangihe, Talaud and Nanusa Islands, Indonesia. Nominate on Sangihe likely extinct.

Natural history: Red-and-blue Lories are found in forest and cultivated areas up to 1250 m (4100 ft). Their diet includes coconut, and the fruit and nectar of various trees. Insects are also taken. They are most commonly seen flying in groups of up to 8 birds. Large, very vocal numbers gather together to roost.