Program: Mitchell’s Lorikeet Recovery
Mitchell's Lorikeet (Trichoglossus forsteni mitchellii), a subspecies of the Scarlet-breasted Lorikeet, is found on the islands of Bali and Lombok in Indonesia. It is currently facing a severe population decline and is estimated to number fewer than fifty individuals. Mitchell's Lorikeets are endangered mainly because of capture for the international bird trade. However, in mid-2019, a glimmer of hope emerged when WPT-Indonesia staff and local colleagues discovered a small group of six individuals on Bali, where it was thought to have vanished. On Lombok, the population likely consists of only a few dozen individuals.
The illegal capture and trade of wild birds remains a primary concern - the challenging economic conditions on the islands contribute to the threat faced by parrot populations.
The World Parrot Trust has established a local registered foundation that helps support conservation activities across Indonesia. Yasyan Konservasi Paruh Bengkok, the Indonesian representative of the World Parrot Trust, allows for a bigger impact in the region and to partner with other organisations and forestry departments to expand conservation action for parrots. The WPT is working with Taman Safari Indonesia III on the island of Bali, and Paradise Park UK, to conduct a number of important projects for the subspecies. These include the repatriation of captive-bred Mitchell's Lorikeets to Bali, in-country breeding efforts, community engagement work and release plans.
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Learn how the World Parrot Trust is supporting Mitchell’s Lorikeet recovery.