Region: Asia

Asia, the world's largest continent by land area, is a mosaic of diverse climates and rich ecosystems. Within this vast expanse lies a crucial component of its natural heritage: the parrots. These vibrant birds, primarily found in the southern regions of the continent, add not only colour but also play a vital role in the ecological balance.

Meet our hardworking staff, trustees and scientific advisers who provide direction to our efforts.

Parrots in Asia are in increasing danger and need active conservation. The primary threats to their survival are two-fold: trade and deforestation, issues that echo across other regions where parrots are found. Habitat destruction, coupled with rampant trapping in various parts of the continent, has led to a worrying decline in parrot populations in some areas. The loss of their forests pushes these birds into increasingly smaller areas, making them even more vulnerable to exploitation and environmental changes.

Potentially compounding the situation is climate change. Its impacts could be far-reaching and unpredictable, affecting not only the parrots' habitat but also their food sources and breeding cycles.

As we witness these changes, it becomes clear that the conservation of Asian parrots requires immediate action to preserve their populations.

In response to these challenges, the World Parrot Trust has been actively involved in various conservation initiatives across Asia:

Using multiple avenues to fight trade

Supporting rescue and rehabilitation facilities in India
Examining the scale and scope of trade in southern Asia
Providing advice to local authorities and rescue centres involved in stopping trade
Presenting educational workshops and supporting organisations working to end trafficking
Assisting investigations and building networks with local authorities to disrupt trafficking networks
Advocating for stronger government protections for parrots

Increasing local knowledge about parrots

Creating awareness of the plight of parrots in communities and schools
Encouraging involvement in activities that benefit people and parrots

Join us to learn more about and confront the dangers facing Asia's parrots. Together, we can make an enduring and positive difference in their protection


Discover the long-term efforts the World Parrot Trust is supporting in Asia.