Program: South Pacific Lorikeet Recovery


The small Vini lorikeets are native to the tropical Pacific islands. This group includes species whose distribution stretches from the Bismarck Archipelago to Fiji, Samoa and French Polynesia, reaching as far east as Henderson Island.

Introduced species represent a significant risk to the Vini lorikeets. Many of these species have disappeared from various islands, and two had already gone extinct by the time European explorers arrived in the Pacific. The main threat to these parrots is predation by feral ship rats. Rats introduced to small islands via cargo have decimated approximately 20 lorikeet populations in Polynesia. Rat control and developing local capacity are key to reversing the tide.


The World Parrot Trust, in collaboration with in-country partners, is carrying out critical work to save endangered lorikeets. Efforts are centred around key research and on-the-ground conservation efforts, including installing and protecting nest boxes to increase breeding success and enhancing biosecurity measures to prevent the arrival of introduced species on islands with remaining Vini lorikeet populations.

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South Pacific Lorikeet Recovery
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