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Expert Questions

Grey parrot with papilloma problems

Brian Speer, DVM

We have a female African Grey approximately 30 years old and until recently been in good health. Our avian veterinarian found cloaca papillomas which were successfully removed with silver nitrate....

Wing Clipping

EB Cravens

Hi EB, I want to ask you if is better to clip or not the wings. I have a baby Congo African Grey and I didn’t clip his wings. He is 18 weeks. He is flying a lot and is so happy. Please tell me what...

Questions regarding an injured young parrot

Brian Speer, DVM

Dear Sir, I would be very much obliged if you kindly go through the contents of my letter and advise me the medical course to be followed.

We are three in my family based in Bhopal, MP and about...

Scrape on a Cockatiel cere

Brian Speer, DVM

Hello! I have a female cockatiel who is about 8 years old. Today I noticed that she has an injury near her ceres. It looks like a cut or a scrape. I am concerned that a kitten I am fostering may...

Cockatiel Car Motion Sickness

Brian Speer, DVM

Hello, My question is, I have a 19 year old cockatiel. He is very tame and I sometimes take him with me in the car. Today when I had him in the car he looked a bit unsteady and then started to...

Diet for a weaning African Grey parrot

Brian Speer, DVM

I am from Bucharest/Romania and we don’t have well prepared avian vet. i have a baby african grey. he is 17-18 weeks. i bought him about one month and he is not i am trying to wean him....

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