Browse by: Phoebe Green Linden
Introducing parrots to each other
Phoebe Green Linden
Hello Phoebe, I would like to know what approach is best taken when introducing parrots to each other. I have an African Grey and have bought a baby Myers Parrot that should be weaned in a few...
Overgrown beak - to file or clip?
Phoebe Green Linden
What is the best way to shorten an overgrown Amazon’s beak? file or clip?
Thanks, Diane
Towelling a young Eclectus
Phoebe Green Linden
Hi Phoebe, Due to toweling my new young male Eclectus to medicate him, he is now terrified of towels. Is there a way to get him past this fear? He is also bonded to his cage and doesn’t want to...
Winter feeding of parakeets outdoors
Phoebe Green Linden
My Question:
Winter feeding of parakeets in unheated outdoor aviary.
I live in East Anglia. This winter seems especially harsh. The parakeets have sheltered spots but no indoor housing. 2...
Keeping cockatoos outside on coast of Oregon
Phoebe Green Linden
We are thinking about building an outdoor aviary for our cockatoos and we live on the coast in Oregon. Is it warm enough to keep them outside year round?