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Become a Project Funder

When you choose to support World Parrot Trust (WPT), you’re partnering with an organization that gets results.

Since 1989, we have worked hard to save dozens of species and return thousands of parrots to the wild. We’re continuing to protect parrots today, by tackling some of the biggest conservation and welfare issues facing these wonderful birds.

As part of the WPT network, we’re making an impact on a global scale. Together, we are working towards a future where more humans can live in harmony with parrots.

Help shape the future

There are many ways to create an impact. Perhaps you’re particularly passionate about a specific conservation issue, species or region. Or maybe you’d prefer to make an unrestricted donation, so your dollars go where they’re needed most urgently.

Become a major project funder. We work with private individuals, trusts, foundations, bird clubs, and zoological parks. Let us know your interests. We have many projects that need your help.

Discuss the possibilities when you contact our Major Gifts Team.