Madarasz’s Tiger Parrot

( Psittacella madaraszi )

Also known as:
Madarasz's Ground Parrot, Plain-breasted Little Parrot

Also known as:
Madarasz's Ground Parrot, Plain-breasted Little Parrot

Type :
Geography: ,


The Psittacella group of parrots are coloured like no others in the parrot world; their prominently barred plumage is the reason for the “tiger” name.






14 cm (5.5 in)


34-44 g (1.2-1.5 oz)

Subspecies including nominate:

four: P.m. madaraszi, P.m. huonensis, P.m. hallstromi, P.m. major

Colour Adult:

P.m. madaraszi: Male-olive/brown head; centres of feathers of crown to hindneck yellow, giving mottled or speckled appearance; throat and lower cheeks have paler yellow spotting; olive/brown wash on upper breast; red undertail coverts; green upperparts with narrow barring of green/yellow and black; green tail. Beak blue/grey tipped with white. Eye brown/red. Female- blue wash on forehead; orange wash on occiput, nape and hindneck, with black barring; yellow/green rump and lower back barred with black. Eye red.
P.m. huonensis: Male-crown more yellow than that of madaraszi. Female-differs from madaraszi in that the orange on occiput to hindneck is absent, and less black barring on occiput.
P.m. hallstromi: Male-in general plumage is darker than madaraszi; head darker brown, the feathers more thinly centred yellow. Female- as in madaraszi, but more strong wash of red/orange on nape to hindneck and more widely barred with black.
P.m. major: Both adults as in madaraszi, but larger.

Colour Juvenile:

P.m. madaraszi: As in adult female, but barring on nape and hindneck paler and less extensive; faint yellow and brown barring on breast. Eye brown/yellow.
P.m. huonensis: As in adult female.
P.m. hallstromi: As in adult female.


Calls are described as high-pitched and upslurred.

Xeno-canto Wildlife Sounds-Madarasz’s Tiger Parrot

More Information:


Captive Status:

Not found in captivity.





Nest Box Size:

Clutch Size:

Not recorded.

Fledging Age:

Hatch Weight:

Peak Weight:

Weaning Weight:

World Population:

Unknown, but described as uncommon. Decreasing.

IUCN Red List Status:
Least Concern

CITES Listing:
Appendix II

Threat Summary:

Not globally threatened. Is uncommon, perhaps due to its shy nature. Regularly recorded below Tari Gap, Papua New Guinea. This species is considered to have a medium dependency on forest habitat and tree cover is estimated to have declined by 2% within its range over the past 10 years. Therefore it is tentatively suspected that this may have led to a 1-19% decline in the species’ population size over the same period.


P.m. madaraszi: Mountains of SE Papua New Guinea, west in north to Mount Misim in south to Angabunga River.
P.m. huonensis: Mountains of Huon Peninsula, N Papua New Guinea.
P.m. hallstromi: Central Highlands, Papua New Guinea, west to Hindenburg Range, West Papua.
P.m. major: Weyland Mountains and northern slopes of Snow Mountains, West Papua.


Found from 1100-2500 m (3575-8200 ft) in forest, secondary growth forest and occasionally partly cleared areas, particularly Nothofagus sp. or beech forest.

Wild Diet:

Feeds on seeds, fruit, hard berries and leaf pulp; birds have also been seen feeding at the bases of arboreal ant plants.

Ecology and Behaviour:

Seen alone or in pairs foraging at different levels of the canopy. Have been observed in the company of Painted Parrots (Psittacella picta). Is quiet, slow-moving and inconspicuous, roosting in the lower canopy and stirring briefly at dusk to call.

Clutch and Egg Size:

Not recorded.

Breeding Season:


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