Modest Tiger Parrot

( Psittacella modesta )

Also known as:
Modest Ground Parrot, Barred Little Parrot

Also known as:
Modest Ground Parrot, Barred Little Parrot

Type :
Geography: ,


The genus Psittacella is one of the least-known groups of parrots in the world.






14 cm (5.5 in)


42 g (1.5 oz)

Subspecies including nominate:

three: P.m. modesta, P.m. collarius, P.m. subcollaris

Colour Adult:

P.m. modesta: Male-dark brown forehead, lores and crown; dull olive/yellow nape and hindneck, the feathers margined with brown; olive/brown head, turning paler on throat and breast; red undertail coverts; green upperparts, the feathers finely edged with black; green uppertail. Beak blue/grey tipped with white. Eye orange. Female-brown head; orange breast, the feathers widely margined dark brown; yellow and green/brown barring on sides of abdomen.
P.m. collaris: Male-as in modesta, but has irregular yellow collar below brown on hindneck; red/brown tinge on throat and sides of head. Female-as in modesta, but with faint yellow markings on hindneck.
P.m. subcollaris: Male-as in collaris, but with thinner, brighter yellow collar on hindneck; darker brown head; darker green upperparts. Femaleas in modesta, but darker brown head; some birds have faint yellow collar on hindneck.

Colour Juvenile:

P.m. modesta: As in adult female.
P.m. collaris: As in adult female.
P.m. subcollaris: As in adult female.


Calls are described as soft and plaintive peeps.

Xeno-canto Wildlife Sounds-Modest Tiger Parrot

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Captive Status:





Nest Box Size:

Clutch Size:

Not recorded.

Fledging Age:

Hatch Weight:

Peak Weight:

Weaning Weight:

World Population:

Unknown, reported as locally common. Decreasing.

IUCN Red List Status:
Least Concern

CITES Listing:
Appendix II

Threat Summary:

Not globally threatened. A BirdLife “restricted-range” species. Locally common but very shy and quiet. Is considered to have a medium dependency on forest habitat and tree cover is estimated to have declined by 1.6% within its range over the past 10 years. Therefore it is tentatively suspected that this may have led to a population decline of 1-19% over the same period.


P.m. modesta: Mountains of Vogelkop, West Papua.
P.m. collaris: Southern slopes of Snow Mountains, West Papua.
P.m. subcollaris: Northern slopes of Snow Mountains, West Papua, east to longitude 145 deg E in C Papua New Guinea.


Found from 1700-2800 m (5576-9184 ft) in montane rainforest, moss forest, forest edge and secondary growth forest.

Wild Diet:

Diet includes seeds, hard berries and small fruits.

Ecology and Behaviour:

Is a quiet bird found singly or in pairs, creeping slowly through the mid or lower storey forest. Is fairly approachable in the wild, only flying a short distance away when disturbed. Resident.

Clutch and Egg Size:

Not recorded.

Breeding Season:


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