Moluccan King Parrot

( Alisterus amboinensis )

Also known as:
Amboina King Parrot, Ambon King Parrot, Island King Parrot, Red Parakeet, Salawati King Parrot (A.a. dorsalis)

Also known as:
Amboina King Parrot, Ambon King Parrot, Island King Parrot, Red Parakeet, Salawati King Parrot (A.a. dorsalis)

Type :


The Moluccan King Parrot may sometimes be active at night, as it has been seen flying out of the forest across open cultivation at dusk.






35 cm (13.6 in)


145-163 g (5.1-5.7 oz)

Subspecies including nominate:

six: A.a. amboinensis, A.a. sulaensis, A.a. versicolor, A.a. buruensis, A.a. hypophonius, A.a. dorsalis

Colour Adult:

A.a. amboinensis: Both adults red head and underparts; mantle to upper tail coverts violet/blue; wings soft green; tail black washed with violet/blue, the outside feathers with dull pink edging. Upper mandible orange/red tipped with black, lower mandible black. Eye orange.
A.a. sulaensis: As in amboinensis but green stripe across upper mantle; no pink edging on tail feathers.
A.a. versicolor: Different from sulaensis by having a uniformly blue mantle; smaller than amboinensis.
A.a. buruensis: As in sulaensis but more tail feathers edged with pink. Beak grey/black in both sexes.
A.a. hypophonius: As in amboinensis but wings and wing coverts deep blue; pink on tail feathers absent.
A.a. dorsalis: As in amboinensis but pink on tail feathers absent; slightly darker red on head and underparts.

Colour Juvenile:

Mantle green; side tail feathers tipped with soft red. Beak brown/black tipped paler. Eye dark brown.


Calls are high-pitched and slightly ringing, repeated by male at rate of two notes every three seconds for up to 20 seconds. Also screeching from both male and female.

Xeno-canto Wildlife Sounds-Moluccan King Parrot

More Information:


Content Sources:

BirdLife International
Cornell Lab of Ornithology/Birds of the World
Article “The Kings,” Peter Odekerken, Australian Birdkeeper Magazine, April-May 2005.
Parrots: A Guide to Parrots of the World, Juniper and Parr, 1998
Parrots of the World, Forshaw and Cooper, 1977. 2010 edition
Parrots of the World, Forshaw, 2006.
Parrots in Aviculture, Low, 1992.
Psittacine Aviculture, Schubot, Clubb and Clubb, 1992.

Captive Status:



About 30-40 yrs.


Walk-in enclosure, minimum length 4.5 m (14.7 ft).


Small seed mix: canary, oats, safflower; spray millet; limited sunflower seed, dry, soaked or sprouted; sprouted pulses such as mung beans and peas; cooked butterbeans and lentils; boiled maize; green leaves such as: Swiss chard, lettuce, sowthistle, dandelion and chickweed; vegetables such as: corn, carrot, celery, zucchini, green beans and peas in the pod; fruit such as: apple, pear, orange, cactus fruits and bananas; nuts such as: hazelnuts, pecans, roasted peanuts; complete pellet.


Nest Box Size:

Vertical box 90-120 cm x 25-30 cm (35-47 x 10-12 in).

Clutch Size:


Fledging Age:

8-9 weeks

Hatch Weight:

Peak Weight:

Weaning Weight:

World Population:

Nominate of species ~70,000 individuals; described as generally common although rare on Halmahera. Decreasing.

IUCN Red List Status:
Least Concern

CITES Listing:
Appendix II

Threat Summary:

Is suspected to be in decline owing to habitat destruction. Rare and threatened on Halmahera, confined to primary forest areas on Taliabu (Sula Island), where about 5000 birds survive. Is considered to have a medium dependency on forest habitat, and tree cover is estimated to have declined by 3.5% within its mapped range over the past three generations. Therefore, as a precautionary measure, it is tentatively suspected that this may have led to a 1-19% population decline over the same period.


A.a. amboinensis: S Moluccas, except Buru.
A.a. sulaensis: Sula Islands.
A.a. versicolor: Peleng Island.
A.a. buruensis: Buru, in S Moluccas.
A.a. hypophonius: Halmahera, N Moluccas.
A.s. dorsalis: W Papuan Islands and NW New Guinea.


Occurs from lowlands to around 2100 m (6888 ft). Found in dense humid primary and secondary forest, and sometimes in nearby plantations, farmlands and gardens.

Wild Diet:

Feeds on Lithocarpus acorns, as well as the hard fruits, buds and berries of other trees.

Ecology and Behaviour:

Found usually in pairs or small groups; is shy. Remains in thick foliage. When approached will fly to cover calling loudly.

Clutch and Egg Size:

3 broadly elliptical eggs, 33.5 x 26.0 mm (1.3 x 1 in).

Breeding Season:

February-March; nest is in cavity in large tree.

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