Also known as:
SinĂº Parakeet
Also known as:
SinĂº Parakeet
The SinĂº Conure has historically been listed as a subspecies of the Painted Conure (Pyrrhura picta).
21 cm (8.2 in)
Not recorded.
Subspecies including nominate:
Colour Adult:
Both adults frontal band dull red and blue; red/brown ear coverts; dusky brown breast, more green on lower breast with grey/off-white scalloping; green bend of wing. Bill grey/black. Eye yellow/orange.
Colour Juvenile:
Not recorded.
Not recorded, but possibly similar to that of Painted Conure (Pyrrhura picta).
More Information:
Content Sources:
Birdlife International
Cornell Lab of Ornithology/Birds of the World
Parrots of the World, Forshaw, 2006. 2010 edition
Vanished and Vanishing Parrots, Forshaw, 2017.
Lexicon of Parrots, Thomas Arndt.
Captive Status:
Not found in captivity.
Nest Box Size:
Clutch Size:
4-5 eggs.
Fledging Age:
Hatch Weight:
Peak Weight:
Weaning Weight:
World Population:
1-49 mature individuals. Possibly extinct.
IUCN Red List Status:
Critically Endangered
CITES Listing:
Appendix II
Possibly extinct.
Threat Summary:
Known with certainty only from SinĂº Valley in N Colombia, where known from 18 specimens collected at just four locations. Recent searches have failed to locate it. Small areas of apparently suitable habitat still occur, but there otherwise has been significant loss of habitat throughout its restricted range. Further potential threats include trapping for the cage-bird trade, hunting for food and pollution with agrochemicals.
Restricted to Lower Rio SinĂº valley, Cordoba, NW Colombia.
Found up to 1300 m (4264 ft) in humid forest and tall secondary growth forest in lowlands and foothills. Also seen at forest margins and in nearby clearings with patches of forest.
Wild Diet:
Thought to be similar to Painted Conure (Pyrrhura picta): fruits, flowers, seeds and possibly algae.
Ecology and Behaviour:
Unknown, but presumably similar to that of P. picta.
Clutch and Egg Size:
4-5 elliptical eggs, 26.5 x 19.1 mm (1 x 0.7 in).
Breeding Season:
Birds in breeding condition found between March and June.