Scarlet Macaws Thriving in Copán: PRO-ALAS Monitors 43 Wild Nests

Scarlet Macaws Thriving in Copán: PRO-ALAS Monitors 43 Wild Nests

Exciting news from the lush canopies of Copán Ruinas, Honduras! As of June, the tireless PRO-ALAS team is closely monitoring 43 wild nests. Out of these, 18 are bustling with life, housing 18 adorable chicks and three precious eggs!

During weekly health checks, the team scale heights to access artificial nest boxes. Each chick is lovingly weighed and checked to ensure they’re thriving before being safely returned to their nests, where their devoted parents will continue to care for them until they are ready to fledge and fly.

In collaboration with Macaw Mountain Bird Park and Nature Reserve, PRO-ALAS has successfully reintroduced Scarlet Macaws to this region over the past several years. Just last month, the 11th release added another flock of Scarlet Macaws to the area.