Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
(Loriculus galgulus)
Image Gallery
Screen shot 2017-01-30 at 3.37.03 pm
Male Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
Screen shot 2015-08-21 at 9.59.24 am
Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
Wild Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot in captivity perched at bird feeder
Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot in the wild
Wild Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot feeding
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Wild Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
Blue-crowned hanging parrot (loriculus galgulus) 4c
Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
Loriculus galgulus -back-4c
Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
Loriculus galgulus -tanglin halt, singapore -female-8 (2)
Female Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
512px-loriculus galgulus -tanglin halt, singapore -female-8 (1)
Female Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
512px-loriculus galgulus (juvenile) -singapore-6
Juvenile Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
512px-loriculus galgulus -tanglin halt, singapore -male-8 (2)
Male Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
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Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
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Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
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Juvenile Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
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