Rüppell’s Parrot
(Poicephalus rueppellii)
Image Gallery
Screen shot 2022-01-11 at 1.28.16 pm
Wild Rüppell's Parrot
Screen shot 2015-08-18 at 1.05.59 pm
Female Rüppell's Parrot, Namibia
Rüppell's Parrot in bush forest and mopane savannah in Namibia
Poicephalus rueppellii
Companion Rüppell's Parrot
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Wild Rüppell's Parrot
Ragnhildneil crawford cc by-sa 2.0 via wikimedia commons ruppells
Wild Rüppell's Parrot
512px-ruYppels parrot-5312 - flickr - ragnhild neil crawford
Wild Rüppell's Parrot
1024px-ruYppells parrot (poicephalus rueppellii) female
Wild Rüppell's Parrot
512px-ruYppells parrot-5273 - flickr - ragnhild neil crawford
Wild Rüppell's Parrot
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