40 Years of research, conservation & management for the Yellow-shouldered Amazon

40 Years of research, conservation & management for the Yellow-shouldered Amazon

40 Years of research, conservation & management for the Yellow-shouldered Amazon

A new article in Frontiers in Conservation Science, co-authored by experts from the World Parrot Trust (WPT) and international partners, highlights decades of work to protect and restore populations of the Yellow-shouldered Amazon (Amazona barbadensis). Found in tropical dry forests from Venezuela to the islands of Bonaire, Margarita, La Blanquilla, Aruba, and Curaçao, this near-threatened parrot faces significant threats including habitat loss, poaching, invasive species, and conflict with farmers. Since the 1980s, a range of conservation measures such as nest protection, predator control, habitat restoration, and health monitoring have helped boost population numbers on Bonaire and Margarita. The World Parrot Trust has played a pivotal role in conservation efforts on Bonaire since the early 2000s, where data indicate wild populations are recovering and nest poaching has declined. Last year the species was reintroduced back to Aruba, marking their return after more than 70 years. This landmark project, a collaboration between the Aruba Conservation Foundation (ACF), the WPT, Stichting Vogelpark Avifauna, European zoos, and international orgs is a significant step toward restoring the species across its historical range. Future plans include further translocations and extensive education programs to engage and inspire local communities. What’s next? In 2021, Provita, with support from the Whitley Fund for Nature and the IUCN Conservation Planning Specialist Group (CPSG) brought together stakeholders from Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Venezuela, and international experts, to collaborate in developing a comprehensive range-wide action plan. The vision is that by 2031, Yellow-shouldered Amazons will have sustainable, thriving populations across their native range. These achievements underscore the power of international collaboration and decades of dedicated conservation. Together, we are working to halt and reverse the decline of this beautiful species. Read the full article in Frontiers in Conservation Science to dive deeper into the history, successes, and future vision for the Yellow-shouldered Amazon.