A Community-Led Mealy Amazon Census

A Community-Led Mealy Amazon Census

A Community Effort to Protect the Mealy Amazon

In October, with support from the World Parrot Trust, Área de Soltura Monitorada de Fauna Silvestre Cambaquara and the Ilhabela City Council’s Environment Department organized a vital census for the Mealy Amazon parrot on Ilhabela, São Paulo. 48 dedicated volunteers came together at 21 observation points across the urban areas of Ilhabela to collect critical data. It wasn’t just about numbers, it was about inspiring a community to protect a beloved species. Volunteers received in-depth training, in-person and online including lectures on species recognition and methodology, to ensure the success of this ambitious effort. As Silvana from A.S.M. Cambaquara shared: “You have made a dream come true thanks to your generous support! This census, with nearly 50 volunteers collecting critical data, is a wonderful way to celebrate 10 years of our NGO’s work. Thank you to the WPT and donors for believing in us.” This census marks a critical step in understanding the Mealy Amazon’s population and securing their protection.