Against All Odds: Bones’ Journey Back to the Wild

Against All Odds: Bones’ Journey Back to the Wild

Bones: A Yellow-shouldered Amazon and a True Survivor

Bones’ life began in the wild but it was quickly torn apart by poachers. Smuggled aboard a boat, he endured a terrifying journey with 32 other parrots. By the time the Coast Guard intercepted the vessel, only 25 had survived.

Thanks to the Aruba Conservation Foundation, with support from the World Parrot Trust and partners, Bones was given a second chance. Over a year and a half, he regained his strength and relearned how to live as a parrot in the wild. His release into Aruba’s Arikok National Park was historic, marking the first return of Yellow-shouldered Amazons to the Aruba in over 75 years.

Months later, heartbreak struck. Bones was spotted limping near a feeding station, struggling to stand on his injured leg. A veterinary check revealed a serious fracture that required emergency surgery. The procedure was touch and go; at one point, his heart nearly stopped under anesthesia.

But Bones wasn’t ready to give up. Thanks to the skill of local vet, and the dedicated aftercare of WPT’s field conservationist Marcela Franco, Bones survived. After weeks of healing, the day finally came for Bones to be released again. 

Against all odds, he soared back into the wild, reuniting with his flock and flying to their roosting site as if he’d never left.

Today, he thrives, traveling over 10 kilometers daily in search of food, a true testament to resilience and hope.