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Parrot Bloggers
Personal online journals of parrot
specialists from around the world.

Brent Barrett

Shifting Sands of Time

Parrot Blogger: Brent Barrett | Sep 26, 2011

I would, in a perfect world, be writing every fortnight of exploits into the magical world of kea.  But the earth doesn't really revolve like that does it.  Instead I write from my bed hundreds of miles from wild kea about the outcomes of a very arduous year (for both the Kea and myself).  I am on...

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Sam Williams, PhD

Tough times for the wild babies

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Sep 15, 2011

The rescued parrots under Echo's caring wing are flourishing but sadly the wild loras have had a tough time over the past weeks. The goat and donkey eaten habitat is in such poor condition that the parrots have to come to town to find food. In the urban environment loras face dangers they...

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Sam Williams, PhD

Regarding the injustices against screechy little parrots

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Sep 06, 2011

Snobbery towards prikichis, the lora's smaller cousin is nearly almost never heard from any of the Echo team. Truth be known many even said how delightful it is to find oneself in the Jong Bonaire classroom with nearly 100 rescued prikichis all screaming for dinner at the top of their screechy...

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Jose Antonio Diaz Luque

Noticias frescas desde Copán

Parrot Blogger: Jose Antonio Diaz Luque | Aug 24, 2011

¡Hola a todos de nuevo! Ya han pasado varias semanas desde mi último post y como de costumbre han sido semanas de mucha actividad para el Proyecto.

En cuanto al monitoreo de las Guaras ha variado un poco la presencia de las mismas en el Parque Arqueológico de Copán (PAC). Desde hace 10 días solo...

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