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Parrot Bloggers
Personal online journals of parrot
specialists from around the world.

Mira Tweti

Rio’s $200 million box office is great for 20th Century Fox. For parrots, not so much…

Parrot Blogger: Mira Tweti | Apr 23, 2011

Rio, the new 3D animated film about parrots from 20th Century Fox opened Thursday in theaters nationwide and has done blockbuster box office business.  I'm concerned pet stores will be doing an impressive amount of parrot sales as a result.

That scenario is exactly what happened with clown fish...

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Sam Williams, PhD

Monty’s Second Chance Part 4

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Apr 08, 2011

Previously on Monty’s Second Chance: Monty joins the other confiscated illegal pet birds in the large aviary at LVV. Monty gets excited to be with all the other parrots but then finds it's actually a bit dull. Two men put Monty and eight of his friends in boxes, They go to a new aviary surrounded...

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Sam Williams, PhD

Monty’s Second chance Part 3

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Mar 23, 2011

Previously on WPT: Monty get's captured, Monty has a terrible time and is starving because the humans don't know what to do, he is rescued and taken to the Parrot Team who stuff him full of food. After a fun period during which he is weaned Monty finds himself at the Ministry for Agriculture (LVV)...

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Jose Antonio Diaz Luque

Nest box’s experience

Parrot Blogger: Jose Antonio Diaz Luque | Mar 14, 2011

On Bonaire in the early 1800s European settlers removed virtually all the mature trees. This drastically reduced the number of nest cavities available for parrots and may be why they now nest in cliffs. The use of nest boxes to increase the cavities available for wild parrots is a well known...

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