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Parrot Bloggers
Personal online journals of parrot
specialists from around the world.

Rebecca K. O'Connor

Falcons More Closely Related to Parrots than to Hawks?

Parrot Blogger: Rebecca K. O'Connor | Jun 29, 2008

The idea of it leaves me a little spun, but makes sense when I think about it. A study done by the Field Museum involving a detailed look at the genetics of 169 birds had some surprising results. Convergent evolution is a lot more prevalent in the bird world than we guessed.

I’ve trained birds...

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Peter Cowen

The creation of a transect and the case of a wasp nest!

Parrot Blogger: Peter Cowen | Jun 23, 2008

After endless early morning foraging walks through primary forest, I finally have started to gather some information on which birds are feeding and on what! Each transect is at least 2km so most round trips are over 4km! My feet have never had so much work to do in their short lives but they are...

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Sarah Faegre

Christmas at the Campamento

Parrot Blogger: Sarah Faegre | Jun 20, 2008

It is Christmas and our last night at the Campamento. Vicente and I stay up late, searching for the rare-maned wolf and then enjoying a campfire in the peace of our isolated island home in the Bolivian flooded savannahs.


December 25th

What a perfect Christmas (and final night) at the...

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David Woolcock

Long time, no blog!

Parrot Blogger: David Woolcock | Jun 17, 2008

Cannot believe that it has been over a year since my last entry.  So what's new?

Well since I last wrote three of our keepers have thrown themselves out of an aircraft to raise funds for a new penguin exhibit (I think their total raised so far exceeds £18,000!), two of our show team have been...

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