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Parrot Bloggers
Personal online journals of parrot
specialists from around the world.

Sarah Faegre

Goliath is taking his first looks at the outside world

Parrot Blogger: Sarah Faegre | Dec 15, 2007

The BTM pair of Vaca Muerta are mourning their loss, but on the other side of camp, the Isla 2 chicks are almost ready to leave their nest...

December 13th

A hot, humid mid-day.  Muy pesado, el aire.  Yesterday Carlos and I walked to Vaca Muerta in the late afternoon, looking at birds and...

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Sarah Faegre

A Sad end to the Vaca Muerta Nest

Parrot Blogger: Sarah Faegre | Dec 11, 2007

December 9th (6:20pm)

A breeze has finally lifted the stifling humidity from the air and as the sun sets and dark clouds role in we hope for rain.  Funny how it has gone so quickly from daily inundations to a serious lack of drinking water after only four days without rain.  I suppose that we had...

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Sarah Faegre

Todo Tranquilo in Macaw-land

Parrot Blogger: Sarah Faegre | Dec 03, 2007

All is tranquil at the Vaca Muerta nest and we can't wait for the Christmas babies to hatch!

December 1

Back at the campamento after a short, piranha-free visit to the main camp at the estancia, Tres Palmeras, about 10 km away.  I swam the ever-widening river and floated my belongings across the...

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Sarah Faegre

San Pedro (The God of Bad Weather) Makes an Appearance

Parrot Blogger: Sarah Faegre | Nov 28, 2007

Rain and wind might make our camp life a bit uncomfortable...but for the Blue-throated Macaws a leaky nest can spell a quick end to eggs or young chicks

People in the photo are Me and Vicente, a Bolivian Field Technician who joined Carlos and I at the camp.

November 27th

One flooded tent and one...

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