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Parrot Bloggers
Personal online journals of parrot
specialists from around the world.

Sarah Faegre

Welcome to my 2007 Blue-throated Macaw blog

Parrot Blogger: Sarah Faegre | Nov 03, 2007

Getting ready to leave for my adventures with Bolivia's Blue-throated Macaws

I am now only two days away from my next adventure:  Working with the critically endangered Blue-throated Macaw in the remote "llanos de Moxos" savannahs of eastern Bolivia.  This long-term conservation effort has been in...

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Toa Kyle

Swan Song in Blue-throat Landia

Parrot Blogger: Toa Kyle | Sep 11, 2007

The Blue-throated Macaw (BTM) 2007 field season is well underway.  I've just finished orientating our new coordinator for the project.  After four field seasons here in Bolivia I felt it was time to move on to other things. 

My replacement is an Argentine, Igor Berkunsky (of Ukrainian descent if...

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Steve Boyes, PhD


Parrot Blogger: Steve Boyes, PhD | Sep 05, 2007

In January 2004, the Meyer's Parrot Project was initiated by the Research Centre for African Parrot Conservation to facilitate learning and discovery about this previously unstudied, but topical and important transcontinental African parrot species in the wild.  Three years later in January 2007 we...

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Mike Bowles & Loretta Erickson

Surprise! Surprise!

Parrot Blogger: Mike Bowles & Loretta Erickson | Aug 27, 2007

Babies, babies, everywhere babies!!  We are now in full swing of fledgling season and the little ones are doing their very best to learn how to be a full-fledged parrot from learning to land on the wires (most have a tough time at first) to their ever so interesting attempts at the proper...

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