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Parrot Bloggers
Personal online journals of parrot
specialists from around the world.

Sam Williams, PhD

Back Home

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Mar 24, 2007

In a matter of hours the British winter I was struggling through has turned into Caribbean sunshine and I am now a very happy lad! So I'm back on Bonaire and it feels like home. Seeing the parrots again has been wonderful. If you have never watched wild parrots fly then you really owe it to...

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David Woolcock

Spring is in the air!

Parrot Blogger: David Woolcock | Mar 15, 2007

After the rigours of winter it is always amazing when the first signs of spring arrive.  This really is one of the best times of the year to be fortunate enough to have a job working with living creatures.  The whole park is buzzing with activity.  Whether it's setting up nest boxes, refurbishing...

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Toa Kyle

End of the season

Parrot Blogger: Toa Kyle | Feb 21, 2007

Things are winding down for the 2006/2007 field season.  Our last nest fledged two chicks a couple of days ago, bringing this season’s total to six chicks, from four nests.  Unfortunately the nest that began incubating in late December was predated when it had two small nestlings.  I’m guessing...

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Sam Williams, PhD

Winter Flocks in War and Peace

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Feb 15, 2007

In my last update I wrote about the details of the very important Annual Bonaire Parrot count as well as some of the other jobs I had tried to cram into two hectic weeks on the island. This posting will focus more on the birds and the fabulous experiences I had seeing them in their winter flocks.

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