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Parrot Bloggers
Personal online journals of parrot
specialists from around the world.

David Woolcock


Parrot Blogger: David Woolcock | Jan 27, 2007

Duchy College students and some of the enrichment items they made this week.

For the pet parrot, enrichment can come in many forms; treats, toys, a new fresh branch, telling the family dog to sit, the sound of the radio and of course that extra special time spent positively interacting with its...

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Sam Williams, PhD

The Lora Count

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Jan 27, 2007

Wow! Well that was certainly a whirlwind trip to Bonaire. The count preparations went extremely well, as did the count itself. The result: the yellow-shouldered Amazon parrot population on Bonaire has around 650 individuals. That’s a good few more than I expected but of course it is good news. I...

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David Woolcock

Welcome to my blog

Parrot Blogger: David Woolcock | Jan 15, 2007

Welcome to my blog.  Those are four words that I never dreamed of stringing together in the same sentence, let alone publishing on the web!

So having got this far what will I be writing about?  As this is the WPT blogging community there will inevitably be something about parrots from time to time...

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Toa Kyle

New Year’s Day chicks

Parrot Blogger: Toa Kyle | Jan 12, 2007

More good news, another 3 chicks have fledged for the season, this time all from the 7 islas area.  I flew in on New Year’s Eve to relieve some of our field team of duties.  One guy had a bad ear infection that required immediate medical attention and some others were simply burnt out from being in...

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