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Parrot Bloggers
Personal online journals of parrot
specialists from around the world.

Toa Kyle

A busy October

Parrot Blogger: Toa Kyle | Oct 21, 2006

Back from a busy three weeks in the field.  October is usually our busiest month in terms of monitoring nests and this year is no exception.  We are currently following the progress of four nests, three of which have chicks and one that is incubating.  I spent my time at 7 islas where amazingly all...

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Mike Bowles & Loretta Erickson


Parrot Blogger: Mike Bowles & Loretta Erickson | Oct 17, 2006

Photographing the wild parrots of Southern California ( is a challenge and a joy—a mysterious puzzle with ever changing twists and turns where each season leads to an exciting new discovery.  It’s an action-packed, fun-filled world where wild parrots have become distant friends...

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Karen McGovern


Parrot Blogger: Karen McGovern | Oct 10, 2006

It’s 3:00 am, and I’m feeding one of the rarest Amazon parrots in the world.  He’s tiny, nearly naked and could rest comfortably in the bowl of a teaspoon.  Perhaps it’s the lack of sleep on my part from feeding these newborn creatures every 90 minutes around the clock that causes me to ponder the...

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Toa Kyle

Three’s a crowd

Parrot Blogger: Toa Kyle | Sep 28, 2006

I’m back for a quick stopover in town.  Things are proceeding well in the field.  We’ve now got three active nests and another five that are being guarded.  Our first nest with chicks is one to remember.  When I first climbed it to perform health checks for the nestlings I was surprised to find...

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