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Parrot Bloggers
Personal online journals of parrot
specialists from around the world.

Rowan Martin, PhD

Lovebird Conservation Update: Education, Nest Boxes and Genetics

Parrot Blogger: Rowan Martin, PhD | Jan 21, 2022

Thank you for Showing your Love to Lovebirds!

Last year, many of you showed love for wild lovebirds by supporting WPT’s Valentine’s campaign, raising vital funds for the conservation of these very special birds. These donations underpinned important progress for some of Africa’s most threatened...

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World Parrot Trust - Staff

December 2021 Flock Talk

Parrot Blogger: World Parrot Trust - Staff | Dec 17, 2021

December Flock Talk

'Tis the season of good cheer and parroty joy! This issue brings glad tidings of Grey Parrots returned to the wild, a 'festive' Amazon profile and more interesting tid-bits for your stocking. Read on and have a merry time!

Read the December 2021 issue »


December 2021 Flock Talk...Continue Reading

World Parrot Trust - Staff

November 2021 Flock Talk

Parrot Blogger: World Parrot Trust - Staff | Nov 20, 2021

November Flock Talk

Refresh your knowledge with all things parrot and good with the newest issue, reporting on the most recent breeding season at Macaw Mountain, new research on the devastating impacts of the wildlife trade, the return of an old friend and more. So carry on, dear reader!

Read the...

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World Parrot Trust - Staff

October 2021 Flock Talk

Parrot Blogger: World Parrot Trust - Staff | Oct 23, 2021

October issue of Flock Talk

It's time to enhance your parrot savvy once again with information about conservation work being done in Brazil and a way to take action for wild parrots in Australia. We also introduce you to the endearing Dusky-billed Parrotlet, and share a special WPT tribute to a...

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