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Parrot Bloggers
Personal online journals of parrot
specialists from around the world.

World Parrot Trust - Staff

November Flock Talk

Parrot Blogger: World Parrot Trust - Staff | Nov 26, 2019

Have you read the November Flock Talk yet?

This month's issue takes a look at an encouraging release of confiscated parrot chicks in Bolivia, a video featuring the Red-bellied Parrot, the outcomes from October's IUCN Species Survival Commission Leaders' Meeting, information about our annual...

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Rowan Martin, PhD

Experts look forward to a brighter future for Cape parrots

Parrot Blogger: Rowan Martin, PhD | Oct 25, 2019

The workshop was developed by the World Parrot Trust in partnership with the Cape Parrot Project, Birdlife South Africa and the Cape Parrot Working Group, which worked together as a coordination committee. Representatives of the IUCN SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group, Kerryn Morrison and...

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World Parrot Trust - Staff

Cape Parrot Conservation Workshop

Parrot Blogger: World Parrot Trust - Staff | Sep 23, 2019

Experts gather to plan a future for South Africa’s most threatened parrot

Experts from across the globe will converge on Hogsback, South Africa on September 26th and 27th 2019 to discuss with local stakeholders a plan to save the iconic Cape Parrot, one of the most endangered...

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Rowan Martin, PhD

Mshindi the survivor: Rescued Grey parrots thriving in the wild send a message of hope

Parrot Blogger: Rowan Martin, PhD | Jul 03, 2019

In the early 2010s, thousands upon thousands of Grey parrots were being trapped in the wild, stuffed into boxes and sent to breeders and pet dealers around the world. Uganda was one of the many countries through which wild parrots flowed out of Africa to the rest of the world and in 2011 the...

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