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Conservation and Research

Brent Barrett

Parrot response to environmental factors - Fire

Parrot Blogger: Brent Barrett | Sep 15, 2008

Let us explore further the response of parrot populations to environmental factors such as climate (incl. change), predation, vegetation (food) and habitat loss.  Already we know that Kakapo require a very specific event to initiate breeding, but there are populations of parrots with much more...

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Sarah Faegre

Life at Encanta

Parrot Blogger: Sarah Faegre | Sep 11, 2008

Steve and I take shifts so that the nest is under observation for most of the day--the female is incubating and the male makes frequent visits to feed her, so all seems well. On our way through the jungle, walking to and from the nest, we have been lucky enough to observe all sorts of amazing...

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Brent Barrett

Further mysteries of science - Kakapo

Parrot Blogger: Brent Barrett | Sep 09, 2008

Last week we explored some aspects of endangered species behavior that often leave researchers at loose ends.  These referred to parrots which migrate or those that are nomadic (with large home-ranges).  The difference between these examples are a matter of known and unknown location and how that...

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Brent Barrett

IGPC - Starting at the start

Parrot Blogger: Brent Barrett | Aug 28, 2008

When I worked in the outback on the south-coast of Western Australia I visited many schools.  It was hoped that I could bring the conservation message to the families that lived on the border of the national parks.  In essence a bit of home grown brain washing.  I was also fortunate enough to visit...

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