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Conservation and Research

David Woolcock

Long time, no blog!

Parrot Blogger: David Woolcock | Jun 17, 2008

Cannot believe that it has been over a year since my last entry.  So what's new?

Well since I last wrote three of our keepers have thrown themselves out of an aircraft to raise funds for a new penguin exhibit (I think their total raised so far exceeds £18,000!), two of our show team have been...

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Peter Cowen

First Week

Parrot Blogger: Peter Cowen | Jun 14, 2008

After a long journey up the Rio Tambopata, i eventually arrived at my home for the next six weeks, the Refugio Amazonas Lodge! All along the river i can hear the calls of Scarlet Macaws, Chestnut Fronted Macaws and Cobalt Winged Parakeets greeting me on my arrival! The river is long and meandering...

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Sarah Faegre

Manu’s Second Attempt at Fledging

Parrot Blogger: Sarah Faegre | Jun 08, 2008

Manu seems determined to abandon the nest tree, but he still isn't able to fly.

December 24th 2007

Yesterday around mid-day Manu fledged, once again, onto the ground.  I found him perched in a little sapling that he had climbed.  Vicente and I set up the portable blind and babysat the tail-less,...

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Peter Cowen

The First Entry!

Parrot Blogger: Peter Cowen | Jun 06, 2008

My name is Peter Cowen and this is my blog which will hopefully document the journey of undertaking and writing up a project for my Master of Science in Conservation Biology.

The aim of my project is to study the foraging behaviour of a rich macaw population in Tambopata, Peru. I’ll be working in...

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