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Conservation and Research

Sam Williams, PhD

The Amazing Adventures of Wee Ben

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Aug 16, 2007

Gone are the updates full of gloom and sadness. We shall have no more of that here in parrot paradise. Instead this month’s installment will be a more upbeat update and eventually we’ll get to “The Amazing Adventures of Wee Ben”.

The Bonaire parrot team have taken to giving the lora nests...

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Mira Tweti

Widowed Swan Soldiers On in Troubled Water - Los Angeles Times

Parrot Blogger: Mira Tweti | Aug 10, 2007

By way of introducing this story... I know Rupert's not a parrot but he is an Australian bird, as far as that goes, equally beautiful and exotic, and, he was quite exceptional as you'll see from the piece which, of all the things I've written is in the top three as a favorite. 

I wrote it for the...

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Jamie Gilardi - blogger

From Impossible to Inevitable: What do the Wild Bird Trade and Public Smoking Have in Common?

Parrot Blogger: Jamie Gilardi - blogger | Aug 03, 2007

I've never been all that clear about what a "blog" is supposed to be ... I know the word comes from web-log, or a sort of web-based diary, but I've never kept a diary, and I’m not at all sure it would be terribly interesting to me, far less to anyone else!  That said, I've found myself chatting...

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Sam Williams, PhD

Highs and lows the season continues

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Jul 31, 2007

Watching wild parrot chicks develop is such a privilege and can be a lot of fun too. Parrot nests do get predated though and loosing chicks can be heartbreaking. In the last couple of weeks we have seen a lot of nest failures and it’s been a hard time here on Bonaire. Overall the nests we monitored...

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