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Conservation and Research

Sam Williams, PhD

Al and Sue’s Remarkable Romance

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Jun 19, 2011

The Parrot breeding season is in full swing and the Echo team have so much news to share. Nests across the island have welcomed beautiful white lora eggs and some of those eggs have already hatched. The wonder of romance and reproduction is the topic of today's tale, and so without further ado it...

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Jose Antonio Diaz Luque

Comenzando el trabajo en Bonaire

Parrot Blogger: Jose Antonio Diaz Luque | Jun 15, 2011

Saludos desde Bonaire!

Ya ha comenzado la temporada de cría 2011 y de momento hay muchas cosas que contar.

La temporada de cría ha comenzado antes de lo esperado. Se han encontrado pichones dos semanas antes de lo previsto, el aumento de lluvias de este año ha tenido que influir directamente. De...

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Sam Williams, PhD

Monty’s Misadventure - A Parrot’s Escapades

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | May 26, 2011

In this week's tale of parrot escapades we had hoped to bring you news of Al and Sue's remarkable romance. However, so incredible and inconceivable have Monty's recent exploits been that they must be shared first...

It had been a rainy morning, as is so often the case these days on Bonaire....

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Sam Williams, PhD

Fat Sally’s Maiden Flight

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | May 16, 2011

Like many of the new arrivals to the Ministry for Agriculture holding aviary (LVV) Sally had been carrying a little extra weight. She hadn't really noticed it before because her weight gain had been slow and gradual. She had been taken from her family as a young chick and when she started to find...

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