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Conservation and Research

Sam Williams, PhD

The Fat club Four arrive in the release aviary

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Mar 09, 2011

What an epic day!

The morning began with “The Release Experience”, my earlier note. After a quick breakfast of my own I got down to finishing a grant application. This was interrupted on more than one occasion by the call of released parrots ‘Where are they? What are they doing? Are they ok?”


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Sam Williams, PhD

First morning of freedom for the release parrots

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Mar 08, 2011

Last night just before dark I opened the release doors of the aviary. The idea was that the birds would not fly too far and so they would find their way back in the morning for breakfast. The aviary has a shelf so that the birds can walk out and I put some monkey nuts on there to encourage them to...

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Sam Williams, PhD

Little Monty’s Second Chance - Part Two

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Mar 05, 2011

Dear Reader
It has been so long since I wrote part one of Monty’s story that there’s probably been enough time for seventeen new species of amphibian and a new mammal to have evolved, but here we are and in a moment part two will indeed appear. I do hope you will understand that my poor blogging...

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Andre Saidenberg

Confiscated Vinaceous amazons released

Parrot Blogger: Andre Saidenberg | Jan 17, 2011

Finally some great news: Confiscated individuals of the endangered Vinaceous Amazon (Amazona vinacea) were released in a national park in southern Brazil. This work carried out by a small NGO that can accomplish big feats - R3 Animal - represents something extremely...

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