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Conservation and Research

Sam Williams, PhD

Creating an Echo

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Jan 14, 2011

Dear Reader I know I have left you teetering on a cliff edge with the incredible story of Monty but I really have to make this quick post and tell you about Echo. Then I promise in the very near future I will sit down with a cup of tea and write part two of Monty’s story. So if you haven’t already...

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Andre Saidenberg

Amazons and plans

Parrot Blogger: Andre Saidenberg | Dec 29, 2010

It’s an interesting reflection thinking about how many plans we have in Brazil - “Brasilia Sive Terra Papagalorum - the original Latin name which means - Brazil: land of parrots - and getting really excited about this: helping confiscated parrots, conserving species, trying to do our best to save...

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Nikki Buxton

End of year catch-up

Parrot Blogger: Nikki Buxton | Dec 19, 2010

My apologies for my absence. Loads of excuses, all of them pathetic.

After much fundraising we began construction of the new aviaries. The rain made the task extremely tiresome, but eventually we were done. Much celebration and leaping about. A few days later we piled into the bush bearing perches...

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Brent Barrett

Getting the word out there

Parrot Blogger: Brent Barrett | Dec 15, 2010

Research is spread like the common cold and comes back in the form of funding and opportunity, learning from our experiences and educating people about the outcomes makes the difference, otherwise you just have a headache and desire to stay in bed.  Since the media release, which I linked to the...

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