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Conservation and Research

Brent Barrett

Once there was a parrot filled forest

Parrot Blogger: Brent Barrett | Sep 17, 2010

The lowland kea of Westland National Park have never been previously investigated with the exception of cognitive tests. As usual we may never know the answer to why they choose to live here and how they adapted to forage in the lush temperate rain forests after so long in the harsh mountains. But...

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Brent Barrett

Is it time for the Kea

Parrot Blogger: Brent Barrett | Aug 29, 2010

There is little sense in looking for whales in the desert, or ghosts in the daytime, so why am I constantly entering the coastal forest looking for an alpine parrot?  Beats me, I guess its like that chicken crossing the road “because its there” and certainly within 200m from my coastal house live...

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Sam Williams, PhD

Far from home and so much going on there

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | May 24, 2010

I’m just in Vancouver airport having been at The World Parrot Refuge for a conference over the weekend. It was great event and I got the chance to meet some great people who are working with companion parrots and others from around the world. I always like this mix of different perspectives on...

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Nikki Buxton

Now it’s all about the yellowhead

Parrot Blogger: Nikki Buxton | May 16, 2010

On Friday we received the first of hopefully many yellow-headed amazons (Amazona oratrix belizensis)

Well cared for, of undetermined sex and probably around 3 or 4 years old, this one is a sweetheart. She goes by the name Lorito (which is normal for Belize) and has a small vocabulary which I'm...

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