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Conservation and Research

Jose Antonio Diaz Luque

Una nueva aventura… A new adventure…

Parrot Blogger: Jose Antonio Diaz Luque | May 07, 2010

Todo comenzó mientras yo trabajaba en Bolivia como asistente de campo en el Programa de Conservación del Guacamayo Barba Azul (Ara glaucogularis).

Meses atrás había tenido la oportunidad de conocer a Jamie Gilardi. En una de las numerosas charlas que tuvimos ocasión de compartir, me atreví a...

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Elizabeth Hobson

Afternoon at the Clay Lick

Parrot Blogger: Elizabeth Hobson | Apr 16, 2010

The main activity at the colpa takes place in the early morning, usually from about 5:30 or earlier to 7:30 or slightly later.  This period of activity is usually dominated by small macaws and parrots.  The large macaws return in the late morning or afternoon and it is during this later activity...

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Sam Williams, PhD

Parrots for breakfast!?!

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Apr 10, 2010

As I write this there are two parrots on our bird table! I’m back on Bonaire and there’s been so little rain this rainy season that all the birds are getting a bit desperate. Now after a week of crossing fingers they’ve finally spotted the mangos.

It’s amazing, It’s Saturday morning, when things...

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Nikki Buxton

Possums, release success and fundraising

Parrot Blogger: Nikki Buxton | Mar 28, 2010

Just got time to slide this blog in before I end up missing a month entirely. Disgraceful - and no excuse.

Quick catch-up then. If you bother to keep up with the other blog you'll know I've been having one or two issues with the local possum population. I...

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