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Ria Winters

Some island species

Parrot Blogger: Ria Winters | Jul 23, 2011

Since the time I've started to paint parrots, many years ago, I grew more and more fond of island species. One reason is their unique individual appearance and the other their almost consistently threatened status. Many island species are rare and under threat of habitat loss, trapping and even...

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Mira Tweti

Rio’s $200 million box office is great for 20th Century Fox. For parrots, not so much…

Parrot Blogger: Mira Tweti | Apr 23, 2011

Rio, the new 3D animated film about parrots from 20th Century Fox opened Thursday in theaters nationwide and has done blockbuster box office business.  I'm concerned pet stores will be doing an impressive amount of parrot sales as a result.

That scenario is exactly what happened with clown fish...

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Ria Winters

The Seychelles parakeet

Parrot Blogger: Ria Winters | Jan 30, 2011

Everyone knows the impressive Alexandrine parakeet that was named after Alexander the Great who introduced this bird to the nobles and kings of the Mediterranean and European countries. He exported it from South east Asia where it still lives and thrives. This was of course a forced exportation....

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Ria Winters

Java moustached or Red-breasted parakeet

Parrot Blogger: Ria Winters | Oct 10, 2010

A few weeks ago I visited a small natural history museum in the North of Holland.

Its interior was left the way it was designed some hundred years ago. Wooden displays with birds and animals from the colonial days. There was no geographical order in the exhibition; a tiger stood next to a kangaroo...

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