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Charlie Moores

An interview with Tri Prayudhi, ProFauna Indonesia

Parrot Blogger: Charlie Moores | Apr 06, 2009

The Republic of Indonesia in Southeast Asia comprises a staggering 17,508 islands, about 6,000 of which are inhabited. It is the world’s largest archipelagic state and with a population of 222 million people (according to 2006 figures) it is also the world’s fourth most populous country.


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Ria Winters

Portrait of Hawk-headed Parrots

Parrot Blogger: Ria Winters | Feb 27, 2009

The first time I saw Hawk-headed parrots, which is about ten years ago, I was surprised by their appearance. They looked very different from all other parrots I had ever seen. It almost looked like their heads did not fit with the rest of their body. But the colours of the crest and the almost...

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Charlie Moores

An Introductory post from a new WPT blogger

Parrot Blogger: Charlie Moores | Feb 17, 2009

To start with the ‘who’: my name is Charlie Moores, I live in the UK, I’m forty-something (for a couple of more years anyway), and I’m an obsessive bird blogger who spends more time at the computer then can possibly be healthy (as my atrophying muscles are starting to remind me). I started my own...

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Mira Tweti

Bird Strikes. What next?!

Parrot Blogger: Mira Tweti | Feb 05, 2009

Nothing has irked so much in the last two weeks as the constant reference to a "bird strike" as the reason the US Airways planet was forced to land in the Hudson river on 1/15. As if a bird could strike a plane. The plane collided with the birds is what happened and perhaps if there was more...

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