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Andre Saidenberg

Andre Saidenberg

March releases

Jan 19, 2010

Some quick updates! Two releases are scheduled for March, a total of 94 blue-fronted Amazons, 2 Nanday conures and 2 monk parakeets confiscated from the illegal trade and rehabilitated at Bichos da Mata will live in freedom in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso. This will also create some much needed...

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Andre Saidenberg

Latest news on released macaws and amazons

Dec 21, 2009

If you have checked the video on the released Blue-fronted amazons and Blue and gold macaws that were carried out on October it also makes you wonder how these birds are doing right now. And according to Bichos da Mata report the answer is that although it is common for released parrots to disperse...

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Andre Saidenberg

Confiscations and education

Dec 15, 2009

Among several recent confiscations this one demonstrates how birds are treated poorly although there are worst examples. This page is in Portuguese and describes a very common fact that happens every year (breeding season of amazons start on September and goes until March): The big city centers of...

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Andre Saidenberg

Release successes

Dec 12, 2009

Just a quick update about some of the release efforts by Bichos da Mata. These are old news actually but I wanted to share with you providing some background of what has been done before we continue with the news from the latest releases carried out in October.

The group of seriously endangered...

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