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Eva Sargent

Eva Sargent

Pyewacket gets dressed

Sep 23, 2008

Well, actually Pyewacket is still naked.  Not oh-no-he's-pulling-out-feathers-naked; he's just without-a-harness naked.  We all know that training is a slow process requiring diligence and patience, but I want him wearing that harness yesterday. 

I'm not a patient person.  I want to be taking...

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Eva Sargent

Pyewacket rolls over—despite complete lack of DVDs

Jul 03, 2008

My two month foster period with Pyewacket is over, and of course I've been giving the future lots of thought.  I don't get to spend weekends away anymore, because he needs those fresh vegetables every morning.  And I'm pretty sick of sweeping up mesquite leaves and pods from his oh-so-natural...

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Eva Sargent

Pyewacket goes to the dogs

May 28, 2008

I want to make clear to everyone at my local parrot rescue group that - just like I said on the application - I don't have any dogs.  It's my boyfriend Randall who has dogs, Sparky and Cholla. Sparky is a pit bull mix and Cholla is part German shorthair.  They are great dogs, but not the kind who...

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Eva Sargent

Are Macaws Good Talkers?

May 19, 2008

The plethora of conflicting information about parrots extends to talking—macaws are very good talkers, or very poor talkers, or not as good as amazons or a little better than amazons.  Hopefully all this ambiguity in the literature and on the web reflects individual differences, rather than...

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