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Mira Tweti

Mira Tweti

Bird Strikes. What next?!

Feb 05, 2009

Nothing has irked so much in the last two weeks as the constant reference to a "bird strike" as the reason the US Airways planet was forced to land in the Hudson river on 1/15. As if a bird could strike a plane. The plane collided with the birds is what happened and perhaps if there was more...

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Mira Tweti


Dec 20, 2007

It's been quite an odyssey taking my parrot-welfare children's story, Here, There and Everywhere from eight typed sheets of paper to a 48-page hardcover book with 45 illustrations, in less than a year and becoming a publisher in the process!

Here, There and Everywhere is the first parrot-welfare...

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Mira Tweti

Widowed Swan Soldiers On in Troubled Water - Los Angeles Times

Aug 10, 2007

By way of introducing this story... I know Rupert's not a parrot but he is an Australian bird, as far as that goes, equally beautiful and exotic, and, he was quite exceptional as you'll see from the piece which, of all the things I've written is in the top three as a favorite. 

I wrote it for the...

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Mira Tweti

The Parrot Diaries - Fear of Flying

Jul 15, 2007

I remember staring out the window of my Rockefeller Center office at Warner Bros in New York dreaming about doing feature film publicity on location, instead of being tied to a desk as I had been for years. I looked forward to being out of an office - permanently. And to working on great locations,...

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