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Evet Loewen

Evet Loewen

Red Bellied Macaw Chronicles Part 9:  A Family Life

Jan 13, 2015

Sophia had come into my life and the life of the flock on April 27th, 2000. As far as I knew, she had been a lone wild caught for some time, and I had no precise knowledge of age although I guesstimated 18 to 20 solely due to her wrinkly facial patch and feet -- no one could really tell. Although...

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Evet Loewen

Red-bellied Macaw Chronicles Part 8: Young Red-bellied Macaws Join the Flock

Jan 05, 2015

Resumption of Storyline Begins Anew in 2015 

Well, how time flies when time flies! My apologies for the detritus of life interfering with the prompt posts to this blog.1

As a brief reprise, in Part 7 the theme was the temperament of Sophia, a wild caught Red-bellied Macaw that I had obtained in...

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Evet Loewen

Red Bellied Macaw Chronicles Part 7: Observing Sophia and Flock Integration

Jul 19, 2014

By June and July of 2000, my efforts went into somehow integrating Sophia into a complicated multi-species flock. Looking back on the natural proclivities of Red Bellied Macaws, and the other mini-macaws in my flock at that time, it only dawns upon me now what difficult a task that would naturally...

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Evet Loewen

Red Bellied Macaw Chronicles Part 6 - Feather Studies

Apr 24, 2013

Of any of my birds, the Red Bellied Macaws have always drawn the greatest interest from their caretakers and the treating veterinarians and staff. It is their subtle and elegant appearance that first attracts people to them. As one gets to know them, it is their amiable nature, sans the drama of...

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