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The many hats of a conservationist

Sam Williams, PhD | Nov 26, 2009


Being a parrot conservationist means so many things.
At the time of my first encounter with wild parrots, Echo’s in Mauritius, an incredible 16 years ago I would have said it was all about hands on fieldwork, getting out there and sorting them out. Since then I’ve experienced so many different aspects of it and I know I still haven’t even scratched the surface. So why am I all reflective? Well I just went to make my second cup of tea and was just thinking about what I’m doing this morning and how I would never have thought I’d be here even a couple of months ago.
Today I have to get back into my research thesis and finish a couple of minor corrections I was given in my exam (PhD defense) last month, so that’s me being a scientist. One of the reasons I didn’t get to that immediately, apart from procrastination was that the day after the exam I was flying over to the States to give a presentation with Phoenix Landing Foundation, a great group of people doing a good job with parrots, Stalwart parrot advocate Ann Brooks raised $1500 from a relatively small group which was fantastic for us. I guess for that event I was doing what comes naturally for me, like Ann I was being a parrot advocate. Since getting back from that trip, I’ve been working on a policy note with my research colleague and good friend Rowan Martin. This will basically inform the Bonaire Government which are the most important parrot areas that they should keep an eye on. So that’s informing policy on the list too. I’ve also been working with my girlfriend Rhian Evans who was leading the field team out in Bonaire this year. She is getting very close to finishing up her report from the season and I’ve been reviewing the report for her. I’m not sure whether this counts but that’s kinda proof reading on the list too!
But the thing I’ve been mostly doing, and I’m getting more comfortable saying it, is being an entrepreneur! Rhian and I have got great ambitions for the project and we are looking at how we can make the project more sustainable, how we can generate funding to continue our work. So this morning, having had a week or more of just jotting ideas down on paper before they disappear, I am now trying to pull together all all those bits of paper and get organised once again. Rhian and I are learning a heck of a lot, about business, about being all things eco, and some stuff about Bonaire we hadn’t considered. It’s incredible journey and ultimately it’s about helping parrots even though it may seem far from being that at times.