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Funders and Sponsors

We are grateful for the assistance of our many funders including private individuals, trusts, foundations, bird clubs, and zoological parks as well as our corporate sponsors. Click on the logos below to learn more about these friends of the parrots.

To become a project funder or corporate sponsor, please contact: WPT's Development Team

Natural Encounters Conservation Fund Zoological Society of London Folke H. Peterson Foundation BOSS Orange - Hugo Boss
Indianapolis Zoo Zoomarine Keith Ewart Charitable Trust HolidayPirates
Zoo Berlin International Association of Avian Trainers & Educators Blackpool Zoo Paradise Park
Banham Zoo San Diego Zoo Minnesota Zoo Vogelpark Avifauna
Drayton Manor The National Aviary Hagen Avicultural Research Institute Phoenix Landing
Crazy Bird Ladies Chessington World of Adventures Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Cotswold Wildlife Park
Humane Society of the United States In Defense of Animals Drayton Manor Park Jean Sainsbury Animal Welfare Trust Isdell Family Foundation Minnesota Companion Bird Association Fota Wildlife Park
OdyseeTV Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong Point Defiance Zoo Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
The Palms Tropical Oasis Paultons Park Pro Wildlife San Francisco Zoo
Rufford Small Grants Foundation Saitama Children's Zoo Raleigh-Durham Caged Bird Society Mohamed bin Zayed Foundation
Shared Earth Foundation Calgary Parrot Club Donner Canadian Foundation Talking Naturally
Animal Welfare Institute Disney Conservation Fund Zoo Knoxville Parrots Magazine
Dudley Zoological Gardens Tropical Butterfly House Woburn Safari Park Macaw Landing Foundation
Pablo's Bird Toys Kirkley Hall Zoological Gardens Meika's Birdhouse Hong Kong Wildlife Health Foundation
Birdland Park and Gardens Sequoia Park Zoo Zoo Atlanta Zoos Victoria
Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust Marsh Charitable Trust Exotic Direct UPrinting
All Things Wild Nature Centre Africa Geographic Gesellschaft für Arterhaltende Vogelzucht e.V. Phillo Flowers
Cincinatti Zoo and Botannical Gardens Renee LeCompte Illustrations DierenPark Amersfoort - Wildlife Fund Tracy Aviary