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Rosa Elena Zegarra

Rosa Elena Zegarra graduated as a Forest Engineer from the National Agrarian University - La Molina, in Lima, Perú, and worked in various research and evaluation projects on wildlife. She discovered her love for parrots working for the Macaw Project in the Tambopata Research Center, in Madre de Dios Peru, back in the 1990s. She also worked as a naturalist/tourist guide for many years in the rainforest of Perú.

She completed her Master’s studies at the National University, Heredia, Costa Rica, and wrote her thesis on domestic trade in wildlife, in particular parrots, in Nicaragua, where she lived for 12 years. Her findings helped to categorize the Yellow-Naped Amazon in Appendix I of CITES. Back in Perú, she worked for an NGO on a project concerning monitoring and mitigation of the impact of oil palm crops in the Peruvian Amazon. Now she works as an independent consultant, currently participating in the process of developing Peruvian Forest and Wildlife Law.

Rosa Elena has been the Spanish translator of PsittaScene since 2010 and is the WPT contact for the Spanish-speaking countries. She has been in some way linked to the WPT since 1994, when she volunteered one season at Paradise Park in Hayle, England, as a keeper of her beloved parrots.