Blue-eyed Cockatoo Conservation and Research

2023 – current
A wild Blue-eyed Cockatoo in flight
© Brendan Ryan CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 via Flickr

Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong, Mahonia Na Dari

View Species Profile

The Blue-eyed Cockatoo (Cacatua ophthalmica) is in danger of extinction. From 2000 to 2019, approximately 9% of suitable tree cover was lost within the species’ range on New Britain, exacerbating known competition for critically important nest cavities. Compounding the issue is that little is known about their nesting behaviour and reproductive success, including wild nest dynamics and fledgling rates. What is known is that the species avoids oil plantations, further limiting viable habitat.

The WPT, in collaboration with in-country partner Mahonia Na Dari, aims to install camera-equipped artificial nests in primary and disturbed forests to assess nesting success and fledging rates, map and monitor wild nests, document natural cavity breeding success, mitigate predation risks using protective measures and engage local communities in tree-planting events to restore habitat.

Status: IUCN Vulnerable / CITES Appendix II

Population: 87,000-378,000 mature individuals, decreasing.

Threats: Lowland forest on which this species depends is being cleared at a rapid rate, which is likely causing the population to decline precipitously. It is suspected that up to a third of tree cover may be lost over the next three generations.

Range: Found on New Britain, E Papua New Guinea.

Natural history: This species occurs up to 950 m (3116 ft) in forest and partly cleared areas, most commonly in lowlands. It feeds on fruits of coconut Cocos sp. and Ficus sp., as well as the flowers of C. nucifera, Eucalyptus deglupta and Cryptocarya sp. keeping mainly to the forest canopy. Is usually seen singly, in pairs or in small groups; makes its presence known with a series of discordant notes. Most active in the early morning and late afternoon. Acrobatics seen before roosting.