Status: IUCN Vulnerable / CITES Appendix I
Population: 10,000-20,000 individuals, decreasing.
Threats: This parrot is affected by habitat loss at about 30% over decades, which is projected to increase, and by trapping, persecution and hunting.
Range: Confined to NE Brazil, south of the Amazon River, from west of the Tapajos River, western Para, east to NW Maranhao.
Natural history: This species is found in lowland rainforest, recently seen more upland, and near Brazil-nut plantations up to 500 m (1640 ft). Birds forage in tall forests for nuts, fruits, flowers and buds but will take some cultivated plants. Golden Conures are somewhat nomadic; birds will venture into different areas after the breeding season. They are gregarious at all times of year, roosting and flocking in groups of 3-30 birds.